Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Beginning

So..... Where do you start a blog? At the beginning I guess.

To do this I need to backtrack a little.  As most of you would know, or will do from now on, I am married to quite a remarkable man.  He is kind, caring and has one of the nicest hearts I have ever known.  His name is Michael, but we know him as Mick and he is my rock and my love.

Mick is a veteran and was in the Australian Army for more than a decade.  He has been deployed in Timor and Malaysia.  He is very passionate about all things army.  His dear friends mother told me this Christmas that she was very happy that he had gotten to do what he had wanted from a small boy and serve in the Army.  One of his own mum's favourite stories was how she used to wake up with 'Army Men' in her bed!!! (Mick's toys, not the real ones!).  It is with that little bit of background information that will lead us to this trip to Gallipoli.

That is where we begin.  This year marks the 100th Anniversary of Gallipoli.  On the 25th April, 1915 there was a landing on the Gallipoli peninsular at the Northern bank of the Dardenelles and this is where the allied troops from Australia and New Zealand saw their first major military action during WW1.  Anzac Day is synonymous with Australian courage and pride and a day very dear to our hearts.  It has long been Mick's dream to attend a dawn service in Gallipoli and really this one was a pretty special one, so..... Into the ballot we went.

This year as the demand was expected to be quite high on people wishing to attend, there were strict numbers restrictions and if you wanted to be there you would need to enter a ballot to secure a spot.  We both entered, Mick got the spots! Over the moon with excitement step 1 was complete.

That all happened last year.  Then there were weddings and honeymoons and Christmases and New Years Eves to keep us busy, until now.

2015 is upon us.  Time to get into Turkey mode!

We hit the internet.  Where to go? What to do? It is such a long way over there, we should really think about this!

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